How Farmers Can Benefit from a Borehole: Private Water Supply in Agriculture

How Farmers Can Benefit from a Borehole: Private Water Supply in Agriculture

Private Water Supply in Agriculture: How Farmers Can Benefit the Most from a Borehole


Farms that grow crops or raise livestock both have something in common. Copious amounts of water are needed to clean equipment, wash down livestock containers, feed animals, irrigate crops and keep the farm running smoothly.  

Many agricultural businesses use a mains water supply, which leaves owners with large water bills to keep their business running. This is why many farmers are now opting for a solution that offers them more sustainability, control, and reliability of their water supply for their land – and all at a lower total lifetime cost! This is where a borehole for an unlimited private water supply comes in.  


So, let's have a look in more detail: Is a borehole worth it? 

Most of the UK can access the aquifers under the ground for their own private water supply with a drilled borehole, which means rather than paying a water company for every litre used, you have access to a free unlimited supply! 

As farms require such large amounts of water, the cost of a borehole installation can be recouped within a few years. If installed with suitable materials and the right borehole pump, a borehole can last for a long period of time with just maintenance costs required, which can be few and far between. 

With a borehole pump water solution, crop farmers can use up to 20,000 litres per day without an abstraction licence, at no charge, to maintain a healthy crop without any concern for loss of water supply when irrigating their fields. A borehole installation increases the sustainability of the property it is installed on, with the asset increasing the estate’s value at the same time, which when viewed as a long-term investment, can be very appealing to farm owners. The energy efficiency and financial savings can attract interested buyers if landowners are looking to sell in the future.   

It also means owners are not affected by supply issues from the mains, such as burst or broken pipes that users have no control over and that could significantly impact day to day activity on the farm. Borehole pumps can be fitted with borehole pump controls to alert owners of any issues, meaning you can immediately get on to fixing the solution without relying on an external water supplier that may not see your issue as priority. 


Now you have seen that a borehole is worth it, let's look at when is the best time to install one. 

Borehole drilling can be done at any time of year, but whilst many are thinking about water supply in the dry months, Autumn/Winter can be the best time to start preparing. 

In winter, the ground may freeze, but this can be the perfect time for a borehole to be dug to avoid any impact to the surrounding environment. Less mud and the ground being harder means there will be less chance of leaving track marks and mess from the heavy vehicles and equipment required to install the borehole. 

Getting a borehole drilled in the winter can beat the rush of projects that happen during the summer, when more agricultural businesses see the need to increase demand of water for irrigation, cleaning, and other farming duties. 

With shorter daylight hours and the growing season over for most crops, winter is the perfect time for upkeep and maintenance tasks, so that in the summer the sole focus can be crops and livestock, whilst still benefitting from an unlimited private water supply.  


Can borehole water be used for irrigation farming? 

Can water from a borehole be used for irrigation – Yes it can! The borehole pump can be used to supply an irrigation system to maintain the perfect water source for essential food crops. A private borehole protects owners from drought conditions in hot weather, with an untapped supply of water. 

If you are interested in your own private water supply and plan to get a borehole installation on your land, but you are unsure on which borehole pump is the right one for your farm, our technical sales team are here to help you. Contact them on 01777 871100 for expert product selection and advice. 

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